Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Welcome to my Educational Research section.

Please find my notes taken from:

Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches, 2010. R. B. Johnson & L. B. Christensen.  Los Angeles: Sage Publication

These notes provide a brief overview of what Educational Research is and record its key terminology features. These are more factsheets as such. My personal aim is to digest what I have finished reading and encode it in my memory in a new way; moving from reading to writing. The notes will also provide me with a quicker way to review the contents of the whole book without entirely rereading it again.

My next stage will be to re-read those notes and formalise in writing the ideas that arose upon the first reading of the text. Reading this textbook has stimulated much thought into how I am going to formulate my research ideas and go about gathering data. More importantly though, an existential question presents itself to me as to which research paradigm I will choose and what it is I actually want to demonstrate through my research.  

I shall provide my insights relating to my research project drawn from the various chapters of the book on "The Arrow" homepage http://simon-herd.blogspot.hk

In an interesting article that I read regarding students in South Korean universities, note-taking is identified as one of the strategies for student success at university. Here is the reference:

 Lee, H.J., & Lee, J. (2012). Who gets the best grades at top universities? An exploratory analysis of institution-wide interviews with the highest achievers at a top Korean University. Asia Pacific Educ. Rev. 13, 665–676.

Please find below the contents list .


  1. Introduction to Educational Research
  2. Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Research
  3. Developing Research Questions and Proposal Preperation
  4. Research Ethics
  5. Standardized Measurement and Assessment
  6. Methods of Data Collection
  7. Sampling
  8. Validity of Research Results
  9. Experimental Research
  10. Quasi-Experimental and Single-Case Designs
  11. Nonexperimental Quantitative Research
  12. Qualitative Research
  13. Historical Research
  14. Mixed Model and Mixed Method Research
  15. Descriptive Statistics
  16. Inferential Statistics
  17. Data Analysis in Qualitative Research